Spiritual Markers
Set up road markers for yourself; make yourself guideposts; consider well the highway, the road by which you went. Jeremiah 31:21
Going back to places of spiritual significance can help us find our way forward again.
Mark Batterson
I had a defining moment on a hillside at Falls Creek Oklahoma on a Thursday afternoon in 1966. It was there that I wrestled for about 5 hours with the question of whether or not I would go all in with Jesus. I decided yes, and that hillside became a sacred place for me.
I reaffirmed my decision there every year I was at Falls Creek over the next 39 years.
I took my wife there our first year of marriage. As Youth Pastor I took students to the place and told my story. When my own children were at Falls Creek as campers, I took them there. I have some pictures of the place and several pieces of rock from the hillside. I have not physically visited that spot since 2005, but I go there in my spirit regularly when I look at the pictures or touch the rocks.
There are other markers like this that I have as well. I do not know who suggested I start doing this early in my walk with Jesus, but I am so glad I have done so. These markers are not just about remembering, they help me renew past commitments and better engage present challenges. Make spiritual markers.